AB Mauri: getting results with Programme SAFE
Programme SAFE (Safety Achievement For Everyone) raises awareness of health and safety issues among AB Mauri’s employees and contractors, reinforcing its safety culture and driving progress towards its long-term goal of zero accidents. Evolving from a pilot in Italy in 2014 (Project SAFE) to a business-wide initiative, each site establishes its own goals and action plans, based on an assessment of 30 safety elements.
The programme has been rolled out to 45 sites – it will be deployed at the remaining sites during 2020 – and has already delivered results. Last year, employees and contractors submitted a total of 36,691 Safety Improvement Reports (SIRs). Eighty-six per cent of SIRs are closed within 90 days. This total compares with the 2,500 SIRs submitted in 2012, before SAFE was introduced. Of our manufacturing sites, 23 – more than half – have now gone three years without an LTI. In addition, more than 670 Leading for Safety training courses have been delivered to employees.
To read more about this, click here to view page 12 of the 2019 ABF Responsibility Update.